Starting Over...

Marie was living out of her car to escape domestic violence. She also has a disability that requires her to have a service dog, making it difficult to find housing that would accept the animal. Finally, Medina
Metro Housing was able to offer her suitable housing. Love INC provided financial assistance to help her pay the first month’s rent. Then Love INC volunteers met with Marie at the Habitat/ReStore to select furniture for her new home. We also provided her with resources for another local nonprofit that helps provide pet food and care supplies for her service dog. Volunteers prayed with Marie on several occasions to assure her of God’s love as she begins her new life!
Marie said, “I really, truly from my heart want to thank Love INC Medina. Every volunteer is a true


My WHY...

I became a volunteer mentor at Love INC Medina for several reasons, but the most important reason is that as a volunteer mentor I’m helping people and at the same time building relationships. I’m able see a part of our community that I’ve never seen before and meet people from all walks of life. With every person I meet, I expand my understanding of those that are different than myself. I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone to build new skills that not only benefits those I’m serving, but has increased my sense of pride, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

That’s why I’m a Love INC Medina Volunteer!


A New Beginning...

Tina recently came out of a domestic violence situation. She and her two children moved into a new apartment. Love INC Medina was able to provide kitchen items and furniture to help create a safe home for them. But we did not act alone – a church Bible study group collected essential kitchen items, volunteers from a partner church delivered her furniture, and The Gideon’s donated a Bible for this young family.
Our relationship began by meeting Tina’s immediate, material needs and continues with prayer and support to meet her emotional needs.


Delivering Hope...

Sue and her husband have been in recovery from addiction for two years. They recently received custody of their two children after extensive counseling and rehabilitation. They are both working full time and Sue is working on completing her degree.

They were finally able to rent a home but did not have the finances to afford furniture or kitchen essential items. Through the generosity of others, we were able to give them a sofa, chairs, end tables and bedroom furniture. We furnished their kitchen with pots & pans, plates, glasses, silverware, bake ware and kitchen utensils. We also gave them a Bible donated by the Gideon’s and prayed with them and their new home!


Beautiful young brunette mother holds on back her cute little daughter in white T-shirts isolated in studio

When It Rains, It Pours …

I don’t know where to begin. There’s an adage that says, “When it rains, it pours” and my goodness, is that the truth! This last month has been a whirlwind of change and challenges. COVID-19 has quickly and extensively changed the way we all live our lives right now. I was doing everything I could to stay home, so when grocery shopping, in one trip I used all my food stamps for the month. I was able to stock up and felt confident that me and my three children were well taken care of.

That was until the night the weather turned violent. The tornado sirens were screaming their warning as I gathered the children and huddled terrified in our bathroom. When it was over, my apartment building was heavily damaged, and we had no electricity for 3 days. I lost all the food in my refrigerator and freezer. Love INC delivered food and personal care items immediately, along with a gift card to a grocery store so I can replace all the food that was lost. During this time when I have so much fear, Love INC is the voice of faith and calm and provides me a spark of hope as I put things back together.


African American senior citizen waving and smiling

Alone, But Never Really Alone …

Whenever I drive in my driveway my heart sinks. I remember what the house and yard looked like before my husband died ten years ago. He took such pride in a perfectly manicured lawn, colorful flower beds and a house and yard that was “spic & span.” I’m ashamed of the state of disrepair that everything has fallen into. I lost the physical capability to do the work myself and just don’t have the money to hire someone to do it. Weeds have taken over the flower beds, a large tree has fallen in the back yard and the once beautiful rock wall my husband built around the porch is showing years of neglect.

I saw a Love INC flyer at the food pantry where I go and thought with a name like “Love In the Name of Christ” at least I can talk with someone about my heartaches. What they did for me was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. During my many conversations with the Love INC Volunteers, they listened, and I truly felt heard. Then a group of young adults from a neighborhood church came to my home on several occasions throughout the summer to weed, plant, mulch, trim, cut up, haul away, pressure wash and rebuild. Along with the physical work they did, they also ministered to my soul. I’m starting to think about selling this place and moving into something smaller and more manageable. I no longer feel alone to carry my burdens; Love INC is a phone call away and truly a blessing from God!


Senior grey-haired woman wearing striped navy t-shirt glasses over isolated white background with a happy and cool smile on face. Lucky person.

Just What the Doctor Ordered …

I had no clue when I went to my regular doctor appointment that everything in my life was about to unravel. Up until this point I was keeping my head above water by living frugally and getting in as many hours as I could at my job. My doctor was concerned about my nagging symptoms and immediately ordered a whole series of tests, including a biopsy of my left lung. I had to miss days at work which cut drastically into my paycheck. Then the biggest blow to my financial situation was finding out that my medical insurance would not cover any of my medical expenses. The bills piled up so fast and before I knew it, I was two months behind with my rent and close to an eviction notice. I was at the end of my rope with no where to go but down.

Until a friend at church told me about Love INC. The Love INC Volunteer that returned my call gave me something I hadn’t had in a very long time – hope and prayer. Then with the help of Love INC and my church, they were able to pay my past due rent. Finally, the Love INC Gap Ministry, Senior Benefit Advantage, met with me and evaluated my insurance policy to find out why my medical bills were not being covered. With a change in medical plans I was able to be reimbursed almost the total amount of my medical expenses. Today I’m back at my job and praising God for the good medicine He provides!

Help make an IMPACT today!